Once you move to a different country, whether you want it or not, you will meet the culture of your destination. Therefore, it is crucial to know the Dutch culture before you coming to The Netherlands. Like every nation, Dutch people also have some characteristics, making their culture interesting to newcomers.

Dutch people are straightforward compared to other cultures. They say it as it is, and sometimes people might find it blunt and offensive. However, Dutch people don’t mean it that way. Don’t be surprised if you get critical feedback on the dinner that you serve.

Another cultural fact is that while the Dutch prefer privacy in their homes and workspaces, this longing for privacy also extends to their interactions with other people. The Dutch need some time to get to know other people before opening up.

The Dutch maybe some of the most pragmatic people in the world. They tend to rationalize and analyze everything before proceeding with their actions. But don’t worry! The Dutch know how to have fun and relax; their practical side mostly comes up in work situations.

Dutch Values

Everyone in the country can share their opinions equally. Openness is essential to the Dutch. While you are open, you also need to be transparent because they value honesty.

Tolerance (verdraagzaamheid) is another prominent Dutch cultural value, and it’s taught to children from a young age. The Dutch tradition of tolerance revolves around respecting people’s freedom of choice regarding their attitudes and beliefs.


Dutch Way of Living

Dutch people don’t prioritize making a lot of money which makes their way of living quite relaxed and happy. They know well how to maintain an excellent work-life balance.

The Dutch ensure they recharge their energies so they can work more efficiently. That is why outdoor activities are very common in Dutch society, no matter the age.


Dutch Way of Working

The Dutch way of working is related to their way of living. Dutch people don’t work for the money or fame but to achieve a good quality of life.

The Dutch are incredible at planning, and they always consult their agenda. This allows them to enjoy their days after work. Since they keep strict agendas also for their meetings, they usually make their plans weeks in advance. And Dutch people are never late for an appointment, so they expect you to take the same care with your timekeeping.


Dutch Way of Socializing

Since there are many different nationalities in The Netherlands, it is easy to make international friends. In addition, there are many social groups and events you can join.

On the other hand, the Dutch take some time to become friends with internationals because they usually have friends from school or the past. Therefore, sports is a good bonding activity with Dutch people. Also, small talks are essential to the Dutch, especially with your neighbors.

If you invite a Dutch person to your birthday party, the chances are that you may be asked if you have a gift preference because they are practical people. It is all about giving something useful to the receiver. From the practical point of view, this prevents a gift from being “unwanted junk,” which may end up cluttering your house or being thrown out.