As an alternative to daycare centers, you may opt for a babysitter to look after your children. Even if you're new to the Netherlands and lack a personal network, there are several ways to find a reliable babysitter.

You can start by asking the few people you know if they have children old enough to babysit, if they can recommend someone, or by checking Facebook groups. Another option is to use an online agency to connect you with a sitter or nanny. In this scenario, an agency-registered babysitter would care for your children either in your home or theirs, with the agency facilitating the connection.

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Note that you can't receive government financial assistance for using a babysitter. For parents to be eligible for child care allowance, the sitter must be officially registered with a childminder agency and certified.


Babysitters can typically accommodate evening, night, or weekend care. While most agencies offer both regular and one-time sitters, availability depends on their selection process and the types of services they provide.

It's crucial to thoroughly investigate an agency's babysitter selection process. Some merely scan the sitters' online profiles, while others conduct comprehensive checks, including social media reviews, personal interviews, and training sessions.

Fee & Payment

A babysitter's fee is typically based on their age and the number of children in their care. Some agencies differentiate pricing for when children are awake versus asleep, though this isn't universal. Fees vary by location—for instance, in Amsterdam, sitters charge €7-15 per hour, which is higher than the average in other cities. If you request additional small household tasks, an hourly rate of €12-15 is reasonable.

For more detailed information on babysitter pay rates, consult NIBUD (in Dutch).

Sometimes, agencies set the babysitters' fees. In these cases, you often pay the agency directly rather than the sitter. With other agencies, or when hiring a friend or neighbor, you typically pay the sitter directly after their service.


Here are some companies offering babysitting services. Please note that we are not affiliated with any of them: