After our consultation call, if you decide to work with us, we will begin the onboarding process. To start your relocation journey, you will need to upload certain essential documents. These documents play a crucial role when we submit offers on your behalf for apartments. In this section, we will explain the types of documents required and provide instructions on how to upload them properly.


When moving abroad alone or with a partner/spouse, you will need to provide a clear and readable copy of your passport and your partner/spouse's passport (if applicable). Uploading a high-quality PDF scan of the passport is the preferred method, as it ensures that all important details, such as the passport number and the entire first page, are clearly visible.

Employment Contract

When submitting an offer for an apartment in the Netherlands, your employment contract is the most essential document. Here are a few important considerations:

  1. Timing of the employment contract start date:
  2. Signature requirements:
  3. Foreign company employment:

Short Description & Image

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